New Online Casinos Players: Frequently Asked Questions

If you are new to online gambling and want to play in a safest online casino, it is normal to have questions. Some of the jargon may not make sense to you, or you may be unsure of the software or wagering requirements. Therefore, we have gathered some of the most common questions and provide you with clear answers in easy-to-understand language.

How old do I have to be to register?

In most online casinos the minimum age for games is 18 years old. This may change depending on the country you are playing from. Free games have no age limit.

How do I register at an online casino?

You will need to submit your personal information, including your name and address. In some cases the online casino requires you to send a copy of your passport as proof of residence. Our online casinos have been tested and verified to ensure that they offer the best security measures to protect your information.

What do I need to play at an online casino?

Basically all you need is an Internet connection and a computing device. The variety of computing devices you can use ranges from PCs and Macs, to smart phones including iPads.

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